What Makes You A Good Writer

What Makes You A Good Writer

What makes you a good writer most productive writers cultivate highly powerful habits in their life. They build habits and stick to them in every situation. If you celebrate your writing life with a bang, you need to establish productive habits.

Healthy habits lead us to success. You may struggle to adapt healthy habits at first. But, by practice, you can love and stick to them to more success in your writing life.

Success or failure in writing depends on our habits in life. So, good practices and productivity skills in our writing are the most important to achieve a brand name in our community, network, or blogosphere. Some writers struggling to be successful aren’t aware of those productive habits.

What Makes You A Good Writer

If you adopt productive writing habits successfully, your mind runs efficiently towards your writing goals, and you’ll be more organized in your writing. By fostering productive habits in your writing life, you can successfully avoid procrastination, writer’s block, fear, self-doubt, and frustration in your writing business. For more informative blogs visit sort it

We do our profession, business, and any activity based on rules and plans. Without these rules and ideas, we can’t reach where we want to go in our business.

Successful life will be built by successful, productive habits. And writer’s life is no exception. Michael Hyatt, Sonia Simon, Brain Clerk, Long Glenn, John Marrow, Jeff Bullas, and many more writers have built their businesses, reputations, and brand names by practicing highly productive habits. Those practices have shaped their destiny.

Let’s start to have those powerful habits to become more productive in our writing life.

They Read Daily

What makes you a good writer reading is the result of where we are now. If you don’t read, you lose everything in life. Reading is the first step to upgrading our knowledge, skills, and personality.

If you want to be a better writer, you should read always. You should immerse this habit in your life. Reading makes you smart in your community, network, and business. Reading separates you from others.

To build a powerful writing habit, you should read quality stuff. Reading widens your thinking and analytical skills. Read and write should be the mantra for prolific writers. Reading not only makes us smart but also makes us informative, knowledgeable, and updated in our writing industry.

How do you become an expert in your niche

Through reading, you can become an expert in your niche.

If you read widely in any niche, you will become a thought leader in that niche. For example, Brain Clerk is a thought leader in copywriting and content marketing. John Marrow is also a thought leader in blogging(in generating traffic). How do they become thought leaders in their respective niches? Through dedicated reading.

You can shape and develop your writing style by reading your favorite writers, authors. So, cultivate a reading habit deep in you of becoming a more productive writer.

They Write Daily

Many Productive writers stick to this habit. They write daily without missing out so as to grow their productivity in writing and business. Some great writers such as Jeff Goins, and Adam are regular writers, and their life and business are their writing. What makes you a good writer with this powerful habit, is they have built a big community of readers.

Here, are some interesting examples of productive writers:

  •  writes eight blog posts per week with 1,5oo to 4,000 words per post. How is it possible? It is possible by reading and practicing writing daily
  • Adam Connell writes one blog post daily
  • Harsha Agarwal writes one blog post daily

Writing when you’re inspired to write is a great myth. Inspiration can’t last long. If you decide to write when you have inspiration, you can’t write anything. Procrastination creeps in suddenly.

Cultivating daily writing habits may be tough at first. By practicing, it is easy to adapt to your life. First off, how many words you write daily isn’t matter here. Sticking to that habit is crucial.

So, write daily to grow your business and lifestyle.

 They Write in the Early Morning

Early morning is the best time for writing. Many prolific writers write in the early morning, and they think they will be productive in the morning.

Some successful writers such as Adam, Sonia Simon, and many others writers write in the morning. Their creative juice will flow quickly in the morning. While writing, we need to get free from distractions. Distraction-free space instills more quality writing.

Here, the habit of early rising helps them to produce masterpieces that everybody adores. They make themselves distraction-free time to write in the morning, and they finish their writing before the world rises.

According to many types of research by scientists and psychologists, morning time is the best for productivity. It is right by some great writers. After a sound sleep, our mind becomes fresh, and when we are writing, ideas to write flow quickly, helping to produce more engaging content. As the best time for writers, we have to stick to rising in the early morning.

If you aren’t writing in the morning, consider writing in this golden time. Once you stick to producing content in the morning, you will enjoy it always. You may be against getting up early. This may be a problem on your part. Face it. You may cultivate this beautiful habit by going to bed early.

Early morning does many wonders if you use it efficiently. So, create your best pieces in the morning.

They Set Goals And Achieve It

Productive writers set daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals and achieve them. They trust their guts and move ahead accordingly. If they want to write 2,000 words article, they meet it. You may think the commitment to setting and achieving goals is very hard, but by practice, you can cultivate this excellent habit

Writers only become productive when they stick to their goals. For example,  writes eight long blog posts per week.

Setting goals and achieving them boost their productivity, creativity, and spirit of life. They experiment with their ability to write more by setting achievable goals. They develop their confidence in writing in such a way.

If you are a newbie writer, you can also cultivate this habit quickly. First off, you need to set small writing goals and achieve them. After succeeding in small writing goals, you may jump to bigger goals to achieve.

If you practice this habit religiously, no doubt, you’ll gain the inevitable ability to produce a significant amount of valuable, compelling content. To succeed in this habit, you need to copy other writers’ productivity habits. Bamidele Onibalusi, James Clear, and maybe the best writers to follow.

They Believe They Can

Belief and trust do many wonders in our life. Belief in someone, or something, provide positivity in our mind and life. Belief in doing something interesting breeds satisfactory results. So, believing is a useful mental trait to build our personality.

Successful writers believe in themselves. They think they write a 3,000-word piece today. They find that they reach such a business goal in time. And they do accordingly.

Productive writers believe everything they do in their writing process. By cultivating such an excellent habit, they’ll become successful in their writing life. They believe in themselves in every situation in their business. And their belief motivates them to write more to be productive in their writing.

We can also become successful by believing in our writing ability. Faith in our ability to write leads us to a productive writing marathon. To achieve this habit, you should take action. There is a lot of overloaded stuff to motivate us to write. But, without taking action in the right way, you can’t achieve what you intend to.

If you want to believe in your writing ability, you should practice writing daily. So, practice, practice, practice. Writing practice makes you a better writer. Then, you believe that you are a writer, you can write a great piece, and you can achieve this writing goal.

They Do Mind Exercises

Productive writers do a lot of mental exercises such as meditation, and deep breathing. They eagerly follow this habit because they want their mind free of distraction and clutter. This practice stimulates their mind to think clearly in their writing process. Harsha Agarwal and tony robins are the best examples to mention here.

What makes you a good writer your mindset is evident, you can think clearly and do some interesting things. If your mind is like a grocery store, you can’t get any bright ideas to write. So, cleaning up crap and clutter in our minds is a must for all creative artists.

They Do Mind Exercises

For this purpose, meditation, and deep breathing helps you dramatically in thinking clearly. You’ll also have patience, calmness, and clarity by doing meditation and deep breathing. For more informative blogs visit wikipedia

If you’re new to this habit, you must adapt this to get more in your writing journey. This is not hard work to do. By investing half our daily, you may keep the creative mind on the right track. Use Headspace to cultivate this peculiar habit.




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